Recommended system requirements:
What you need for registration:
Mandatory fields for registration:
The registration will be completed after you follow the link that was sent to your email address. Please recheck your company data in the user section after you logged in the first time. You can add additional data as phone number or a different shipping address.
In case of EU registered company please also provide your VAT number.
There are two different types of users on restoxx, master users and sub-users.
Master user has the following options:
There can be several master users in a company!
A master user cannot degrade himself to a sub user!
ATTENTION: do not degrade all master users at the same time.
Sub users have following privileges:
ATTENTION: users of the same company do not see their offers nor can they trade items among each other.
For buying credits on restoxx you need a credit card. Simply type in the amount of credits you want to purchase or the respective value in Euro and proceed to the payment.
You can download the receipt in the CREDITS tab under SHOW INVOICE. The payment includes 20% Austrian VAT. For a correct receipt please take care on the correct billing address in the user section.
To trade a product on restoxx the product has to have a unique item code defined by the original manufacturer. This item is the only distinct criteria. Internal matching does not take any special characters (‚/’, ‚-‚ ‚_’ etc.) into account, it leads to an “Item Code Pure”. Therefore no further description or pictures are needed.
Product description parameters:
Item: The unique item code
Description: TTo further description of the item, this parameter can be chosen without limits. As an item owner you have the obligation to fill out the correct manufacturer description for the respective item.
Category: The category of the product, e.g. IT or Telecoms, this parameter can be chosen without limits.
Manufacturer: The manufacturer of the item, this parameter can be chosen without limits.
Minimum Quantity: The minimum number of items you want to sell or buy.
Maximum Quantity: The maximum number of items you want to sell or buy.
Minimum User Rating: The minimum rating you accept from your trading partner.
Price: To avoid different currency conversions all trades have to take place in EUR.
Product conditions:The product can be traded in three different conditions:
The product was never in use and is packed in original boxes.
The product is used but refurbished and tested. It is in best mechanical and optical condition. Packing is done in adequate ESD bags and single boxes.
The product is used and in fully operational condition. It is in good mechanical and optical condition. Packing is done in adequate ESD bags and single boxes.
Region: restoxx distinguishes different trading regions. Your home region is defined by your Billing Country of your company data. You can also choose the possible regions of your potential trading partners. Currently we have following regions available:
Status: Possible statuses are stock if you have the item in stock and you want to sell it, or order if you want to buy it.
To search for a single Item just type in the ItemCode or any part of it. The search results are limited to 100 items.
To add a single item just fill out the form. The following fields are mandatory:
Fill out the List Name if you want to add the item to an existing or new list.
In the BUY and SELL section of restoxx you can manage your items before you start trading. These sections show an overview on all your parts. You also see the number of other users who have your item in their lists “matches”, “offers” provides you the number of valid buy or sell offers from other users. Your own listing is counted.
NOTE: for the first upload of a list you get 10 free credits!
Upload lists: For easy handling of large numbers of different items excel-lists of items can be uploaded. The lists have to have the format of the downloadable template file (Excel). The Item Code is mandatory. Other fields left empty or filed with wrong data will lead to following default values:
Edit item on a list: You can edit an items on your lists by clicking on
Delete item from a list: You can delete an item from your lists by clicking on
Remove list: To remove item lists mark them and click REMOVE.
Filter list: To filter item lists mark them and click FILTER.
By clicking on PRICING you will see the pricing graph and the respective quantity for the various conditions. During the launch phase this feature is free of charge. Later on the cost will be one credit.
Every product on restoxx can have a virtual owner. This virtual owner gets a share of the regular or bonus credits, which are issued by all participants when they close a deal with this product. This is called the Ownership. The share is determined by the respective value of the credit at the time of the trades.
If a user has acquired a specific amount of ownership bonus he can chose to transfer the money to his bank account or to converted it into bonus credits. The share of the credits per trade and the minimum pay-out amount are available in the pricing section.
To get the ownership you have to place the first offer on a new item or an item without an owner. The ownership is then valid throughout the ownership period and can be extended easily by placing a new offer.
You will lose the ownership status if no offer is placed during the ownership period. In case of a red rating of the owner of a product the ownership period is shortened. The duration of the ownership periods are available in the pricing section.
Furthermore the owner of an item is obliged to take care on the correct description and manufacturer labelling.
Creating the first SELL or BUY offer for an item is always free of charge. If there are already other offers placed, you will see the pricing of the other offers and you will be charged a credit.
By clicking the CREATE OFFER you open the confirmation window where you have to check all your data again.
You can choose the following options:
After your selections you can PREVIEW all other offers on the particular item. To delete your selection you can click on GO BACK.
SHOW ALL: you will see all other offers including the offers which you can not trade with such as offers valid for other regions, other conditions or other user ratings.
NOTE: different selections may lead to different number of offers. During the offer creation process you can choose all possible options. After you have placed the offer you are just allowed to increase or expand your offer.
By clicking PLACE OFFER and confirming the pop up, you have placed a valid offer to all other users. The offer is then valid for the selected time and the countdown timer starts. You are now in the TRADING WINDOW.
With the function BULK OFFER you have the possibility to place up to 10 offers at once. Bulk offers can be placed in the buy or the sell section. LAUNCH BENEFIT: There is currently no charge for placing a bulk offer.
Therefore you have to tag the items you want to offer in the BULK OFFER row. The number of tagged items is shown beside the BULK OFFER button. To untag all items at once press the .
Placing a bulk offers needs two steps. In step 1, after pressing the BULK OFFER button you can edit all selected items and chose the options for region, rating and offer duration.
NOTE: the options you choose for region and rating will overwrite the selection of the single item edit!
In step 2 (PLACE OFFER) all offers will be checked for logical inconsistencies and you have to choose whether you enable automatic trade matching or not. In case of automatically trade matching all items, which have a suitable counter offer will be traded automatic. For every successful trade you will be charged one Credit. In case you do not choose automatic trading the items, which would be traded will remain in the respective item list.
After placing the bulk offer all offers where treated sequentially. The valid offers will then be displayed in the DASHBOARD marked with a grey check mark.
After you have placed your offers, whether as a single offer or in bulk all other users with matching offers will get the updated offer in their TRADING WINDOW or a notification in the DASHBOARD that there is a new offer for this item in place. All updates will be marked with a red check mark.
During the offer valid time you are obliged as a seller to keep the goods available or as a buyer to pay the offered price including the shipment costs.
Placing the first SELL or BUY offer for an item is always free of charge. If there are already other offers placed, you will be charged a credit.
During the offer period you can only improve or extend the runtime of your offer.
After you have changed your offer, click on UPDATE OFFER and confirm the pop up to show the offer to all other users. This update will then be shown to all other users matching with your offer directly into their TRADING WINDOW on their DASHBOARD.
Clicking on update without any changes will increase the run time of your offer and restarts the counter.
The TRADING WINDOW provides you an overview on all offers to a specific item. The offers are ranked by the price in descending order if you are a buyer or ascending order if you are a seller.
The “candy bar” marks the border between the best buy and the best sell offer.
For a better overview just the 2 best buy and sell offers are shown complete, the other offers beside yours are just shown as a number.
As a buyer you can improve your ranking by increasing your price. As a seller you can do the same by lowering your price.
If other users are online this will be indicated via the symbol. With online users you can find a faster price match.
NOTE: all trading partners are default anonymous in the TRADING WINDOW. If you want to know with whom you are trading with you can choose the SHOW USERS function to show the display name of the traders you can close a deal with. Furthermore you can get the contact details via the contact button. The contact information will also be sent to you via email. The charge for the SHOW USER function is one Credit for every time you use it. Be aware that you loose the contact information by leaving the trading window.
There are several options to close a deal:
In all of these cases you will get a pop up with the information that you are going to close a deal. If you accept the pop up the deal is closed.
The quantity of items in every deal is according to the maximum requested or offered amount.
After a deal is closed the deal is shown for the SELLER and the BUYER in the DASHBOARD. If there are parts left over after a deal the respective offer for the rest of the parts is still valid and shown on the TRADING WINDOW.
The red box beside the DASHBOARD icon indicates the number of updates. Go to the dashboard to acknowledge these updates.
The upper section of the DASHBOARD provides you an overview for all your running offers. The red check mark indicates that there was an update on the offer. A grey check mark
indicates a new bulk offer. You can acknowledge an update of an offer by choosing the TRADE option or just clicking on the check mark. After acknowledging an update the offer will be transferred to the flip window. You can easily access the flip window to show you all running offers by pressing flip window button
The lower section of the DASHBOARD provides you an overview for all closed deals and their actual rating. The red check mark indicates an update whether a new trade or a new rating. You can directly rate via the rating widget or pushing the deal into the flip window by acknowledging the check mark. The flip window will show you all closed deals of the past 90 days.
NOTE: The full overview on all deals you will find under the TRADING HISTORY in the user section. Under RATING in the user section you have an overview on all open ratings.
After a deal is closed the deal is shown in the lower section of the DASHBOARD.
As a BUYER you have to contact the SELLER via the provided e-mail address and arrange the transport on your costs. Than you have to pay the SELLERs invoice.
As a SELLER you have to wait for the contact mail of the BUYER or you can contact the BUYER first. Then you have to prepare the goods for shipment and provide the BUYER with the weight and dimension of the parcel and send the invoice to the BUYER.
For these steps both parties have 7 days time. During this time you can already rate your deal partner but the rating will not be taken into account by your or your partner's rating. You can toggle the rating to positive or negative.
Rating Widget:
The rating in restoxx is done via the rating widget.
The rating widget shows the time passed by since the deal was closed as coloured circle and the rating of the buyer and the seller indicated by an arrow, up means positive, down means negative, a simple bar means not rated yet. You can rate a deal positive by clicking in the upper half of the widget or negative by clicking in the lower half. The colour of the circle indicates a positive (green) or negative (red) rating of the deal.
There are 4 time periods of rating:
User Rating
All ratings from the deals of a user will be accumulated to the percentage of positive deals which means the user rating.
The user rating is shown to other users as:
NOTE: users with a red rating are no longer allowed to trade on restoxx, they must improve their rating until they are at least above 33% positive rated deals.
There are several options to provide an overview on the closed deals to the user.
NOTE: in all these parts you can actively rate a deal with the rating widget.
Status: 01 November 2016
Shipping shall be paid for by the recipient. Delivery shall be made to Buyer’s address exclusive of costs of transport, transport insurance, taxes, customs duties and charges.
Payment shall be made in advance and immediately after acceptance of the Purchase Order.
Seller has to provide a warranty period of 60 days. Within this warranty period Seller shall repair, replace or send a credit note for faulty Products within 3 working days. Seller shall cover the shipping costs for substitute Products. Buyer shall return Products declared to be faulty to the Seller at Buyer’s expense.
Status: 01 November 2016
There are no membership fees on restoxx. You just pay for effective services that are provided by restoxx. The payment is done via prepaid credits. To buy credits please go to the CREDITS tab in the user section.
Dedicated currency for trading on restoxx is EURO.
Note: If user decides to make offers in USD only offers also placed in USD will be matched.
Price per Credit = 5 EUR per regular credit
There are also bonus credits and free credits available. Free credits can be provided for marketing proposes and will not be taken into account for ownership mechanics. Bonus credits can be earned due to the ownership, these credits will be treated as regular credits.
PRICING function: | 1 Credit, during start up phase free of charge |
CREATE OFFER: | free of charge for the first sell or buy offer |
CREATE OFFER: | 1 Credit for every additional offer |
BULK OFFER: | 1 Credit for up to 10 offers plus 1 credit for every closed deal, during start up phase free of charge |
SHOW USERS function: | 1 Credit |
Closing a trade SELL or BUY | 1 Credit |
Ownership percentage: 20% of a credit per regular or bonus credit spent completing a trade = 1 EURO
Minimum amount to transfer from ownership bonus: EUR 100,-
Offer period: 1, 2, 3, 7, 14 or 30 days
Ownership period: 90 days in case of yellow or green rating, 30 days in case of red rating
Rating period: see rating widget